I'm Sophie Robinson— I’m a wedding pro VA, wife, dog mom, and table-side-guac enthusiast! Ready to ditch the overwhelm?

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What Goes Into a Systems Audit for Wedding Pros?

July 22, 2024

Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in the biz for years, I bet you’ve got a ton on your plate (I could help you with that!). But here’s the million-dollar question: Is your business running like a well-oiled machine? If not, it might be time for a systems audit. Don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it sounds!

First, if you’re new here, welcome! I’m Sophie, a virtual assistant specializing in wedding professionals. Need help setting up systems that truly work for you or a comprehensive systems audit? I’m your go-to gal! I’d love to assist youcontact me here today!

Quick note, I’m an affiliate of some of the companies on this page, which means I receive a commission whenever someone makes a purchase using my code or link. This doesn’t cost you anything extra – it often will actually save you money! As an affiliate, I’m able to snag some sweet discounts. I wholeheartedly endorse these brands, and I only recommend products/services that I use in my real life and straight up LOVE. Enjoy!

What goes into a systems audit for wedding pros?

What Is A Systems Audit?

A systems audit is basically a deep dive into your business processes. We’re talking about everything from how you handle inquiries to how you manage your projects. It’s all about finding those little hiccups that are slowing you down and turning them into efficiency goldmines. Trust me, it’s a game-changer!

Want to find out if you are guilty of the 5 biggest mistakes I’ve seen wedding pros make with systems? Click here!

Screenshare of Video Audit Walkthrough

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Another thing to add to my to-do list?” But here’s where it gets cool. Picture this: You and me, on a video call, screensharing your CRM. I’m not just poking around randomly – I’m walking you through what I see, thinking out loud about your specific setup, but with my systems-obsessed brain. I’ve seen behind-the-scenes of dozens of wedding businesses just like yours, and so I have more than a few tricks up my sleeve. It’s like having a friend who’s really into organizing peek into your closet and tell you exactly what to do to organize it.

Full System Audit Breakdown

Wondering what’s included in my systems audits? During this virtual walkthrough, we’ll cover all the bases:

  1. Branding + Company Settings: First impressions matter, right? That’s why we’ll kick things off by looking at your branding and company settings. We’ll make sure your logos are looking sharp in all the right places.
  2. Lead Form: Next up, we’ll tackle your lead form. You’d be surprised how many lead forms I’ve seen that aren’t pulling their weight. We’ll fine-tune yours to make sure you’re getting all the juicy details you need from potential clients. No more back-and-forth emails just to get basic info!
  3. Integrations: Then we’ll dive into integrations. Google, Calendly, Zoom – oh my! We’ll check if you’re taking full advantage of these time-saving integrations. Trust me, your future self will thank you when your calendar, video calls, and documents are all playing nicely together.
  4. Templates: Now, let’s talk templates. This is where the magic happens, folks. Whether you’re team Aisle Planner (hello, project checklists and timelines!) or team Honeybook (smart files, anyone?), we’ll make sure your templates are working hard so you don’t have to. Imagine having the perfect response ready for every client situation – that’s the power of great templates!
  5. Automation & Workflows: Next, we’ll explore automation and workflows – the KEY to saving time. We’ll dive into your client experience and see where we can automate the heck out of things. Because let’s face it, you’d rather be designing dream weddings than sending repetitive emails, right? Automatic emails don’t have to sound so robotic!
  6. Notes & Forms: Got advice you’re always giving your couples? We’ll turn those into reusable notes and forms. Work smarter, not harder, right?
  7. Overall Workflow: I’ll put on my VA hat and look at your system from an outsider’s perspective. Is it set up so only your brain knows where things are, or could a team member (or a virtual assistant like me) jump in and help?
  8. Time-Saving Suggestions: Next, we’ll do a final sweep for any other ways to streamline your processes, because every minute saved is a minute you can spend growing your business (or, you know, actually having a life outside of work).
  9. Custom Template Ideas: Sometimes you just need someone to list out all the emails and notes you could be templating. I’ve got you covered with a DIY list to get those creative juices flowing.

By the end of our audit, you’ll have a clear picture of what’s working, what’s not, and exactly how to level up your systems. It’s like a roadmap to a more organized, efficient you!

Should I Wait Until After Wedding Season?

Last but not least, no, you shouldn’t wait until after wedding season for a systems audit. The process doesn’t take long and you’ll love having things in check during your busiest time. By addressing inefficiencies and optimizing your workflows now, you’ll be able to handle the wedding season with less stress and more confidence. Trust me – your present (and future) customers will notice the difference. Imagine having seamless operations and a streamlined process as you manage multiple events—it can make a world of difference in your productivity and client satisfaction. Getting your systems in order now ensures you’re fully prepared to deliver exceptional service, even during the most hectic times.

wedding pro VA talks about system audits for wedding pros

Ready For A Systems Audit For Wedding Pros?

A systems audit is like giving your business a tune-up. It’s not just about making things look pretty – it’s about streamlining your processes so you can work smarter, not harder. By optimizing your setup, you’ll save time, reduce stress, and give your clients an experience that’ll have them singing your praises. It’s an investment that pays off in efficiency and happy clients.

So, ready to kiss those late nights and stress headaches goodbye? Hop on over to my services page and let’s schedule your systems audit! Trust me, your future self (and your sanity) will thank you! Need help with something else within your wedding business? I’d LOVE to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out!

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I'm Sophie Robinson— I’m a wedding pro VA, wife, dog mom, and table-side-guac enthusiast! Ready to ditch the overwhelm?

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