
I'm Sophie Robinson— I’m a wedding pro VA, wife, dog mom, and table-side-guac enthusiast! Ready to ditch the overwhelm?

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how you might be treating your contractors like employees


As a virtual assistant (VA) to wedding professionals, I’ve seen firsthand how smart systems can make or break a business. Yet, many wedding pros fall into common traps that hinder productivity and client satisfaction (despite our best intentions). Today, let’s dive into the biggest mistakes wedding pros make with systems and how to avoid them! […]

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Wedding Pros Make with Systems

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably found yourself wishing for more hours in the day. With so many tasks to juggle, from meeting excited couples to coordinating with vendors, time management can feel like a never-ending battle for wedding pros. But here’s the truth: there are some fantastic time-saving automations for your wedding business […]

5 Time-Saving Automations for Your Wedding Business

wedding planner looking to use aisle planner to grow your wedding business

Embarking on the journey of starting and running a business is nothing short of exhilarating (and is filled with exciting challenges, amazing growth opportunities, and invaluable lessons). From the thrill of launching your business to tackling the hurdles that come your way, it’s NEVER boring. Over the past two years, I’ve been right there, experiencing […]

Growth and Challenges: 6 Lessons for Entrepreneurs (From My Two Years of Business!)

Hey there, wedding industry friends! I have to be honest – I’m thrilled to talk about this today. As your go-to virtual assistant for wedding pros and CRM setup specialist, I know all too well the importance of streamlined operations for your business’s success and growth. Today, I’m diving into the most crucial systems and […]

6 Critical Systems and Processes In Your Wedding Business You NEED to Have

Are you looking at the calendar and wondering how April is almost over already? I know I am! As wedding season approaches (or has possibly even started for you!), I wanted to take a second and share a few ways that I recommend wedding pros prepare for wedding season fast. As a virtual assistant for […]

How to Prepare for Wedding Season (Fast!)

Can Aisle Planner help you grow your wedding planning business? Absolutely yes! In the ever-evolving wedding industry, staying ahead means leveraging the right tools and systems to streamline operations, enhance client experiences, and ultimately, grow your wedding planning business. If you’re on the hunt for a comprehensive solution that caters to every facet of wedding […]

Want to Grow Your Wedding Planning Business? Here’s How Aisle Planner Can Help!

wedding planner looking to use aisle planner to grow your wedding business

I'm Sophie Robinson— I’m a wedding pro VA, wife, dog mom, and table-side-guac enthusiast! Ready to ditch the overwhelm?

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Access My Free Resource Library

download the Wedding Pro Tasks to Outsourcing

how you might be treating your contractors like employees


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